What is a waldorf board for?

What is the Waldorf board for? We study the advantages and ways of using this universal learning tool


Our company produces “balancing boards” for cerebellar stimulation to help children all over the world. Cerebellar stimulation is a set of exercises that focuses on development of the brain and its areas that are responsible for the formation of higher mental functions. The cerebellum coordinates the work of the entire brain. Actually, clumsiness, impaired balance and coordination of movements are signs of disorders of the brain stem and cerebellum. Such «features» are often diagnosed in children with delayed speech and mental development, diseases of the autistic spectrum (early childhood autism, Asperger’s syndrome, autistic conditions), behavioral and attention disorders, ADHD. The founder of the cerebellar stimulation program is Frank Belgau, a doctor from the United States. In the early 1960s, he identified a link between certain motor activity of children — exercises and games for balance, coordination of movements and the development of hand-eye coordination-and learning success. Nowadays this program is popular worldwide and especially in Russia, experts are actively working with children using the equipment Belgau. 3 years ago, experts were more likely to purchase the Siberian Board instead of Belgau balance board.

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